The Modern Day Franchise Dealership

The Modern Day Franchise Dealership

Since the first dealership opened in 1889, franchise dealers have relied on purchasing from OEMs, applying their desired margins to the wholesale price to make a profit. Recently, with Tesla’s direct-to-consumer sales model, we’ve witnessed a significant...
Embracing the Future of Automotive Retail

Embracing the Future of Automotive Retail

CMT Scanner’s Vital Role in the AutoMall Model CMT Scanner has long predicted that the real estate model of franchise dealerships is set to change, with more consolidation of operators and franchises into “AutoMalls.” These centralized automotive...
Ensuring Robust Cybersecurity

Ensuring Robust Cybersecurity

CMT Scanner Stands Strong Amidst Industry Cyber Attacks In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is paramount. Recent events have highlighted this need dramatically, as a cyber attack on CDK Global has disrupted operations for nearly 15,000 car dealerships across...